
Recipe Of King Size Burger


King Size Burger Recipe

Burger,Sandwich,Momo and of course Fish Fry are some of the names which always comes to my mind whenever I think of eating out in the evening. Though there is a never ending list from pani puri to Chicken roll but Burger and Momos are something for which I have a tremendous hankering.So this urge of mine conscripted me towards the making of this King size Burger. I really hope that this Burger will appease your hunger.
King Size Burger Recipe

King Size Burger Recipe

 For The Burger:

  • Burger Bread 4 pc
  • Capsicum 1
  • Red Bell Pepper 1
  • Yellow Bell Pepper 1
  • Oninon 1
  • Mayonnaise 4 - 6 Spoon
  • Tomato Sauce 3 Tbs
  • Chilli Sauce 3 Tbs
  • Salt to taste 
King Size Burger Recipe

 For The Patty:

  • Chicken keema 500 gms
  • Ginger Garlic Paste 3 Tbs
  • Red Chilli Powder 1 Tbs
  • Black Pepper 1 tbs
  • Salt according to taste
  • Egg
  • Corn Starch
  • Bread crumbs
King Size Burger Recipe

 Method For the Patty:

  • Add the ginger garlic pate and red chilli powder to the chicken keema. Blend well with your hand,thereafter add salt and black pepper mix well like a dough.Don't forget to add cornstarch or baking powder in the dough.
  •  Now take a portion of keema in your hand and give it a shape of a round patty. Meanwhile in a separate bowl take egg yolk and beat well with the help of a spoon with salt and pepper.
  • Once you have given the shape of a patty to the keema deep it in the egg and rub it with bread crumbs. shallow fry them and keep it in a separate plate. Repeat the processes with every patty.

King Size Burger Recipe

 Making Of The Burger:

  • Minutely cut the Bell Peppers and the Capsicum. Mix it with Mayonnaise salt and pepper.
  • Take your Burger Bread and spread mayonnaise on its base then in the first base add the Veggies which is also mixed with Mayonnaise. So basically your first layer will be full of mayonnaise and veggies.
  • Cover the first base with another Burger base and top of that base add your Chicken Patty,pour some Chilli and Tomato Sauce over the Patty and cover with another Burger Bread. So two layers are ready,
  • For the third and final layer you have to repeat the processes i.e add another patty on the Burger Bread add some sauce and veggies if you want and cover it with Burger Bread/
  • Your Three layer  Chicken Burger is ready , Now if you want you can finish it with an Egg Porch covering you top Burger Bread.
King Size Burger Recipe

  Enjoy your Burger Over a Sunday Brunch or Breakfast.

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